Before it was called Hapkido, the style was called by a number of different names such as Yawara, Dai Dong Ryu Hap Ki Yu Sul, Yu Kwon Sul, Hap Ki Yu Kwon Sul, Kido, and many other names.
Ji Han Jae is generally credited with giving Hapkido its name.
The word, Hapkido means, “The Way of Coordinated Power.”
Ji Han Jae is generally credited with giving Hapkido its name.
The word, Hapkido means, “The Way of Coordinated Power.”
Hap means harmony or coordination. It refers to coordination of your mind, body and ki with your surroundings.
The first part of the Hap symbol illustrates two people leaning against one another.
The second part of the Hap character means one.
The bottom part of the Hap symbol represents a mouth. All together, the character for Harmony illustrates two people with one mouth.
Ki is energy or power. Ki is a combination of physical power, mental power and inner energy.
The top portion of the Ki character represents steam rising off a pot of rice with the lid of the pot being lifted by the steam. The steam symbolizes breathing. In fact, the early versions of the Ki character consisted of 3 wavy lines, an illustration of air or breath.
The bottom part of the Ki character is an illustration of rice which symbolizes energy.
Do means the way. The way of the martial artist is to strive to achieve your mind, body and ki acting as one in coordination with your surroundings.
The first part of the Do character represents a head. It means that your head leads you.
The second part of the Do character is an illustration of a door and a road or path. Alone, this symbol can mean to walk.